Chloe-Amber & Gregg playing with their dog in their home on Chyan Community fields on 18/02/12
Chris (guitar), Gregg (drum) and Marina (flute) improvising together whilst young Beth watches.
Chyan community fields is actually a Farm, there are on average 15 people that live in their separate caravans, trucks and old busses. It is not a travellers site where people move on after a week or so, The inhabitants stay for long periods of time and make it their home. It is an alternative way of living. It is not completely self sustainable but large parts of it is. They charge their batteries for electricity via wind turbines that are on site and their water comes from a near by spring. Each person rents their part for a small fee, or if they choose can do around 8hrs volunteer work on the farm, such as the vegetable patches instead.
I made two visits to Chyan Community fields, firstly on Wednesday 15th February, for introductions and then on Saturday 18th I spent a day and night with the people that live on Chyan, documenting the small community and how they interact with each other. What I really took from the whole experience was how close they all are. As it is such a small community of like minded characters, they all seem so tight. In saying this they were all more than accomodating and welcoming, making me feel at home in the time I was there. I was slightly envious of their lifestyle, it felt to me as if their simpler way of living, was far more beneficial. They have everything they need, and can spend their time enjoying each others company in the evening. Enjoying the little things in life.
I am going to continue to document Chyan as a personal study, I have made friends there and I find it such a visually interesting place to study.
The website, I feel is a terrible representation of place it is, however if you are interested in looking
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