Saturday, 3 March 2012

Redruth St Pirans Festivities

Today i travelled to the town of Redruth for their celebrations for St Pirans day (which actually isn't till monday, but they celebrated early). St Piran is the patron saint of Tin-miners and celebrated widely all over cornwall. He is also widely regarded as the patron saint of Cornwall. 

I unfortunately couldn't get over to Redruth in time for the parade to the rugby club, but the Rugby club had much going on inside from 1pm, and then at 3pm it was Redruth vs Hertford rugby match which was a really good game. Redruth won the match 38-24 after initially going behind.

The whole day was quite bizarre as all the different things going on. A military display, some 'street' style dancing, a choir, children running around in martial arts clothing, a lazer tag arena, steam engined tractors, a brass band and all culminated by a good old game of rugby.
Whilst i was there I shot off 4 films for my Relationships project, and some digital images aswell.

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